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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Rank In TH!

Once again, I have gotten a promotion in Tim Hortons. But this one has ben verry important for me because i am now a COO. If you don't know, That is the 3rd Highest Rank you can get. Since i have gotten this role I will be explaining how I got to  this position. I started out as a regular customer joining my friend squareheaddudes group because they needed members. My friends were in it and we all had fun at the CAFE. I applied for the role of the rank trainee and i got it, After that I got into a arguement with my friend that was a HR in the group. We stopped talking and whenever I would go to the cafe i would get bullied by him. I applied for His rank and i got it and he got ranked up. I got to become friends with him. But once again square me and auzex split up. Auzex had his side and Square had his side. I had to think a while before i chose. I chose Tim Hortons. Then i became a EAO for being active and helpfull. After being active and loyal i became to become friends with squareheaddude outside of the group. We are now verry good friends and we talk alot. The only reason im still on roblox is because of square giving me this wonderfull job. I then was promoted to CSO that i thought was amazing then we became inactive because of square being VP in Starbucks. Once he got fired he came back to make TH more active i helped and got my current rank. I have now became friends with Auzex again and were a happy family. Im dedicating this to everyone who helped me achive my goal thank you 
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