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Monday, December 15, 2014

Some Photo's I have took in the past :)

I'm Back!

Hey fans,

I am now going to post once more as I have more time for my blog and I love the fans <3

What you missed:

-Changed Name Back To clubcristyfan
-Quit Tim Hortons
-Joined NRBA
-NRBA TNT Reporter
-NRBA Intern Referee

I will post every once in a while.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My first hand made Paint.NET logo NO COPYING

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Its ben a while

Today i partied on roblox basically,

Saturday, April 19, 2014



Monday, April 7, 2014

Update 2.6.0

Update Log:
-New Layout
-Music List Updates (Color, More Song's)

R.I.C :D

Look who I met at chess ;)


Who else is watching the NCAA basketball finals doe? cx



I didn't post at all because I was throwing up yesterday, Sorry D:


Sunday, April 6, 2014


Not a big update. 

Update Log:

-Tweaked Music Bar Color

Update 2.5.1

Update Log:

-Updated Music Bar
-More Music
-Better Layout
-Bug Fixes


Song of The Day

Name: All of Me
Singer: John Legend


I feal special, look at what my best friend did. 

[12:53:13 AM] Squareheaddude-||-AusterAmo: Only true people are iCube Beasty, and Auzex

This is what true friends do, not fake friends who dont talk to them or anything. (nickey) and the ones who dont treat them fairly (iJennaa),(nano299) I am happy that square finaly stod up to them!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Welcome To V 2.5.0

Hello, As you know there would be a big update soon, but I have no ideas that you would like. I have putten up 2.5 as a WIP so this isn't the final copy of this update. I need ideas! Please PM me your ideas on what updates I should do. I have added a Hit Bar, Search Bar, New Poll's and looking into adding new pages! PM me! My email is! Thank you for reading and have a good time with the updates.

Friday, April 4, 2014


Sorry for my inactivity, but I have a few announcement's about the blog and Tim Hortons. 

1. My activity for this blog will be lowering down, I will only be posting updates about 1 every 2/3 days.

2. I have ben handed a verry trusted rank in Tim Hortons, I have ben promoted to CEO, that has made me verry happy/nervous and exited.

3. Since I have gotten this rank I will be updateing the blog to version 2.5 so expect sudden changes in layouts to even links. Also, expect shutdowns/errors/bugs in the past weeks or untill the updates over.

Thank you for all your time and have a good spring break!

BeastyC10 iBeastex

Saturday, March 22, 2014

New Name!

New Name:


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

GMS Entrance Photo

#Throwback Remake of Old GMS gym Photo 2014!

Tooken at Graham Middle School.

New Rank In TH!

Once again, I have gotten a promotion in Tim Hortons. But this one has ben verry important for me because i am now a COO. If you don't know, That is the 3rd Highest Rank you can get. Since i have gotten this role I will be explaining how I got to  this position. I started out as a regular customer joining my friend squareheaddudes group because they needed members. My friends were in it and we all had fun at the CAFE. I applied for the role of the rank trainee and i got it, After that I got into a arguement with my friend that was a HR in the group. We stopped talking and whenever I would go to the cafe i would get bullied by him. I applied for His rank and i got it and he got ranked up. I got to become friends with him. But once again square me and auzex split up. Auzex had his side and Square had his side. I had to think a while before i chose. I chose Tim Hortons. Then i became a EAO for being active and helpfull. After being active and loyal i became to become friends with squareheaddude outside of the group. We are now verry good friends and we talk alot. The only reason im still on roblox is because of square giving me this wonderfull job. I then was promoted to CSO that i thought was amazing then we became inactive because of square being VP in Starbucks. Once he got fired he came back to make TH more active i helped and got my current rank. I have now became friends with Auzex again and were a happy family. Im dedicating this to everyone who helped me achive my goal thank you 
And More :*)

100 Visits!

I am proud to say we have hit 100 visits!

I will be posting more activley and will be adding new features!

//-//Thank You!//-//

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Music Recomendations

Hello Visitors!
Since I have added music I will be taking reccomendations on what we should add.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Funny Vine

Welcome to V2.0.0

Welcome to Version 2.0.0! 

Whats Added:

  • Bug Fixes
  • New Layout
  • Music

  • BeastyC10
  • 1518NiceNickey

Version 2.0.0

Dear blog readers.

Today/Tomorrow alot of updates will be going on like a new format/music and bug fixes. If you have a question PM me on roblox or email me at


Updates Completed.

New look on roblox

Looking new on roblox 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Rank In Tim Hortons!

New Rank!

Tim Hortons Mocha ;)

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Tim Horton's Website!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Chilling in a limo with my friend Squareheaddude!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Quote of The Day

"Talent wins games, but hard work and 

teamwork wins championships"

-Michael Jordan


New Rank!

New Rank In Tim Hortons

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Friends For Life

Photo back when GMS was good.

When i met tylan

Morning at Tim Hortons


Skype with TH is so fun! :3

#skype #roblox #th #coffee